Kanslistvägen 12 B
311 39 Falkenberg Sweden
+46 346-734 700

Brand exposure

Visibility in the right setting

While adding value to your brand!

We cooperate with municipalities and cities to offer unique marketing spots at our recycling stations, placed at strategic locations in the local area (between 30-100 stations depending on the size of the area).

On average we provide about 100,000 trash bags per area annually. This means that 100,000 people visit our stations and help keep the community clean. It also means your brand will be seen by 100,000 people per year!


If you would have invested in

The cost of investing in 100,000 clicks on a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing is at least SEK 100,000, without the added value of showing corporate social responsibility.

Besides being a more cost-effective marketing channel than most, our marketing is sustainable. By partnering with us, your company saves money while at the same time making a positive impact on the environment!


How it works:

Together with municipalities and companies such as yours, we help keep the community clean.

Our recycling stations consist of a metal sign offering free trash bags. The municipality erects these signs at strategic locations such as walking paths, parks and other frequently visited recreational areas. The municipality is responsible for ensuring that the trash bags are always available at the stations.


How your company benefits

Unique and cost-effective brand exposure that also demonstrates corporate social responsibility. Your company takes part in keeping the community clean and investing in the environment.

Ett urval av samarbeten där TiksPac tillsammans med kommuner och företag bidragit till en renare miljö