Kanslistvägen 12 B
311 39 Falkenberg Sweden
+46 346-734 700

Order bags

Are you run out of the bags?

You can order more bags using the order form below.

You will receive bags corresponding to the number of stations you have.
I accept the privacy policy.
If you need new stations or accessories, because a station has been damaged or any other reason, please contact us at order@tikspac.com. 

Replacement bags are provided free of charge.
Orders can only be placed by councils/cities or companies that are affiliated with TiksPac AB.
If you don’t have a customer number, please contact
Warehouse & Logistics Department
+46 346-734 694

Vanliga frågor om våra miljöpåsar

Where can i find your recyling stations?

25 stations are placed by the municipality at strategic locations such as walking paths, parks and other frequently visited recreational areas. The municipality is responsible for restocking waste bags at the station. For a list of locations, please contact your local council.

What are the bags made of?

Our bags are biodegradable, and we are currently in the process of switching to bags made of 100% recycled plastic. We will start using the new bags at the beginning of 2021.

What colours do the stations come in?

The stations are available in black. They can be made in other colours at an added cost.

Can i see a list of locations?

In most cases you can request a list of locations from TiksPac or the municipality.

Are there trash bins at the stations?

Yes, the council will usually place the stations in the vicinity of waste bins.

Why are there no stations in my area?

Questions about the availability of stations are answered by the municipality. If you would like to see more stations in your area, you can suggest this to your local municipality!